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Tainter Gate Hoists are designed for long life and low maintenance in difficult conditions, but also incorporate a number of installation and field adjustment features. Tainter gates are normally used to control the flow of water or waste water over a dam or drainage structure to provide a wide and unobstructed opening. Hoisting units can also incorporate position indicators, limit switches and automatic opening & closing controls.
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Takach Hand Inking Rollers are made of high quality rubber on an aluminum core. The rubber is a combination of natural rubber with buna nitrite blend. This blend of rubber keeps the durometer consistent and also gives the rubber a longer life span as well as the highest durability. This high quality rubber is wrapped on the aluminum roller core, cured, ground and polished. The wrapped rubber technique of rubber application is superior to cast rubber surface applications. It is used for print studio storage of the roller. Several types of cleaning agents are used to clean the rollers. Solvent based cleaners for oil based inks, nontoxic cleaners and water for water based ink cleanup. It provides deep clean wash-up and prolongs roller or brayer life. It keeps rubber surface soft and reduces glaze.
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Take-Up Pulley is an integral part of every spiral system. It is made from a durable, high strength, and high-density polyethylene compound. They are designed to allow the take-up weight shaft to move freely up and down. A bearing support fork carries a one-piece tubular bearing between the fork tine ends. Fingers on the bearing engages slots on the fork tines to mount the bearing without expensive fasteners.
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Talcum powder is usually made up of various combinations of zinc stearate, magnesium silicates, as well as other silicates, which are finely ground. It is used for generations to soothe babies' diaper rash and freshen women's faces. The size of particles is so small that these are both easily carried in the air like dust and can reach even the smallest areas of the lung.
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