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Airframe Control Ball Bearings (1 supplier)
Airframe Control Bearings (1 supplier)
Airframe Fuel Pumps (1 supplier)
Airframe Needle Track Control Ball Bearings (1 supplier)
Airframe Reamers with Reduced Shank (1 supplier)
Airframe Services (2 suppliers)
Airframe Systems (7 suppliers)
Airframe Wire (3 suppliers)
Airfreight Cases (3 suppliers)
Airfreight Services (72 suppliers)
Airgo Ergonomic Paving Breakers (1 supplier)
Airhead Harvester (1 supplier)
AirHeater Design Software (2 suppliers)
Airheater design software is a windows based user friendly design software. Using this package, Engineers can design a wide variety of air heaters for fired boilers and other applications where hot gas source is available. This software is provided with large database of waste heat gases and boiler exhaust gases. Using this software, all types of bare tube, fin tube and gill tube air heaters can be designed. Autodesign feature gives optimum design of air heaters. Users are alerted if any of the important design parameters exceed their limiting values.
Airhoods (1 supplier)
Airjectors (1 supplier)
Airjet Weaving Reeds (2 suppliers)
Airless Blasters (2 suppliers)
Airless blasters are compact and powerful device, which is used for quickly cleans parts to a bright metal finish and cuts cleaning costs dramatically. Parts are loaded into the blaster basket, the door is closed and the cleaning cycle timer is set to the desired time. After the cleaning cycle is complete, clean parts are removed from the basket and another load of dirty parts is placed in the basket. A typical load of electrical parts consists of 6 starter cases or 12-alternator end frames. The blaster can clean a wide variety of parts and is not limited to cleaning electrical parts.
Airless Electrostatic Spray Guns (2 suppliers)
Airless Gun Filters (1 supplier)
Airless High Pressure Hose (2 suppliers)
Airless Packages (2 suppliers)
Airless Paint Spray Hose (9 suppliers)
Airless paint spray hose is used for high pressure transfer of paints, lacquers, and thinners. The tube is made of nylon 11 and oversheathed with a conductive black polyurethane layer. This hose is protected by polyurethane material cover.
Airless Paint Sprayers (15 suppliers)
Airless Palletized Stripers (1 supplier)
Airless Road Stripers (2 suppliers)
Airless Roller Attachment (1 supplier)
Airless Skidmount Stripers (1 supplier)
Airless Spray Guns (14 suppliers)
Airless spray guns use very high fluid pressures to achieve atomization. These guns are used for high volume coating flow rates rather than for high quality finishes. These guns are used to paint buildings, houses, ships, bridges, and storage tanks.
Airless Spray Lines (1 supplier)
Airless Spray Stencil Trucks (2 suppliers)
Airless Spray Systems (11 suppliers)
Airless Sprayer Hydraulic Oil (1 supplier)
Airless Sprayers (15 suppliers)
Airless spray systems atomize coating by forcing a fluid through a small orifice at high pressure. Airless sprayers provide pressure from either a diaphragm or piston pump unit driven by an electric, gasoline, or air power motors. Some models use a hydraulic driven pump powered by electricity or gasoline power. The hose is an integral part of the system. Its expansion and contraction provides volumetric cushioning of the fluid to provide steady paint flow at the tip. It also conducts static electricity build up back to the sprayer where it can be grounded. Two things primarily determine the capacity of an airless sprayer: horsepower and valve openings. Bigger pumps have bigger valves and bigger valves means more heavier fluids can pass through. For example, a small pump has insufficient horsepower to push elastomeric coatings. As the same pump body is put onto larger motors, its ability to pump more fluid increases because the motor can turn it faster. However, because of faster cycling, you can expect more wear than a larger capacity pump.
Airless Spraying System (7 suppliers)
Airless Wheel Blast Machines (1 supplier)
Airless Whip Hose (2 suppliers)
Airless Zinc Sprayers (2 suppliers)
Airline Baggage Conveyor Systems (2 suppliers)
Airline Baggage Scales (6 suppliers)
Airline Composite Pipes (1 supplier)
Airline Connection Kits (1 supplier)
Airline Conveyor Casters (1 supplier)
Airline Couplings (3 suppliers)
Airline Equipment (7 suppliers)
Airline Filter Elements (14 suppliers)
Airline Ground Support Communication Equipment (4 suppliers)
Airline Helmet Filters (1 supplier)
Airline Kits (1 supplier)
Airline Pressure Boosters (1 supplier)
Airline Regulators (1 supplier)
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