Zine plates are used in process work of two kinds such as thin zinc with grained surface for photo-lithography and thick zinc with polished surface for etching. Pure zinc is requisite for process work and the plates are perfectly rolled & free from surface blemishes. The thin zinc is used for lithography, chemically treated to free it from grease and is grained in a trough filled with marbles and sand. The thicker zinc is scraped and polished by buffering with abrading. The greasiness is removed by rubbing with pumice powder & water and by passing through a weak acid and aluminum.
Zinc Plating is used to improve corrosion resistance of steel components. The zinc plating is offered for several control valves in sizes up to 4 in. ZINC Plating is widely employed for providing sacrificial protection to steel. The zinc plating process is the most economical for applications exposed to atmospheric corrosion. Zinc plating is the electro deposition of zinc or zinc alloys to provide corrosion protection.
Zinc rods are aluminum rods with a portion of zinc is mixed with the aluminum in a ratio of 1 to 10. Zinc is used with an anode rod to reduce the smell of sulfur in the water.