Top Running Singler Girder Cranes consists of a single girder mounted on top of two end trucks that span the width of a building and have a hoist running on the lower flange of a structural shapes girder. These cranes normally have capacities up to 20 tons and spans up to 60 feet. These are normally operated from the floor by a pendant station that travels with the hoist across the span of the structural shape girder. The single-girder, top-running crane is very economical for light to moderate service.
Top valve backpressure valves are designed to provide a constant discharge pressure on a pump and acts as an anti-siphon mechanism against changing pressures downstream.
Top-Loading Vertical Vacuum Furnace provides fast and efficient heat-treating. The temperature range is 2400°F. It has the heat shield assembly that consists of a shingled, grafoil hot face backed with low density, lightweight fiber insulation and mounted on a steel module. The vertical sidewall element array operates on low voltage, three-phase secondary to eliminate corona effect and line unbalance.