Anchor Flanges are used to resist thrust loads caused by thermal expansion in land based pipelines. Anchor flanges are designed by welding units. Anchor flanges are used to restrain the load and movements of a pipeline in axial direction. Anchor flanges are designed to meet the requirements of most anchor needs. These flanges are designed to accommodate a line pressure of 1200 psi and thermal differential of 90 deg F. Anchor flanges are designed to control internal pressure and temperature induced thrust in pipeline systems. Anchor flanges are used as a means of restricting pipe movement and distributing axial thrust of the pipeline throughout the foundation in which the flange is anchored.
Anchor handling boats are suited for launching the spar buoy and mooring. Installation of the spar buoy and mooring is independent of the topsides and instrumentation installation. Small anchor-handling boats assist in setting anchors around the drill site to hold the rig in place. As semi grew in size to handle deeper waters, the kit required to moor them increased to mammoth proportions, demanding more deck space and flotation. An anchor handling boat will deploy the anchors. The boats run the anchor and anchor chain out to the required length, and lower the anchor onto the seafloor using a work wire.
Anchor handling tugs are ocean-going vessels with sufficient deck space and winch capacity to pick up and reposition laybarge anchors. Under direction from the laybarge, they continually pick up the laybarge's anchors one at a time, moving them to the next position. They are used to tow and deploy offshore rigs & moorings and also used for long distance towage, salvage, pipe laying assistance and anchor handling operations. It conducts anchor handling and towing gear suitability and carries out inspections and surveys of damaged mooring anchor handling & towing gear.