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Polymer and Rubber Testing capabilities include material identification, failure analysis, hardness, micro hardness, density/specific gravity, UV exposure/weathering, SEM & EDS analysis and vibration testing.
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Polymer Auger Fasteners are glass-reinforced nylon fasteners with an internal 1/4″ (8 mm) square drive. It has a 1″ (25 mm) diameter head. It must be used with metal stress plates. This is 3″ (80 mm) in square.
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Polymer blends are of great importance in the development of new polymeric materials. A usable polymer blend requires that the interfacial tension and interfacial adhesion in the blend be properly controlled, because of its role in governing the blend morphology and its associated mechanical properties. This can be achieved by adding to an immiscible polymer blend, appropriate interfacial agents (compatibilizers) like block and graft copolymers that locate preferentially at the interface. As a result, the interfacial tension is reduced.
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Polymer Burn Off Furnace provides a way to clean tooling and other components that are coated with polymers and organic components. The furnace vaporizes the residual polymer. The temperature range is 1250°F. The polymer burn-off furnace brings up to the temperature that is necessary to vaporize the polymer and it is typically in the range of 900 to 1000°F. The complete system includes a burn off furnace, after burner/catalytic converter, cooling chamber, load storage table, unidirectional transfer car and work grids. They are typically used to burn-off polymer residue on extrusion dies that are used in the manufacture of synthetic fibers.
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Polymer CNC Milling is ideal for thick test samples and components. It has a flexible design layout. It is fully guarded with wide up-and-over door. A range of cutter spindles available with speeds up to 30,000 rpm. It is operated from a stand alone PC and flash cut cnc PC software.
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Polymer compounding is the activity of mixing a base resin with some type of color, additive, or another resin. Rarely are base resins consumed as it is. Rather, the base resin is compounded to impart the desired performance or color for the end user's finished fabricated product. Sometimes compounding is employed to reduce the cost of a resin system so that the end user is provided with a more economical product. Masterbatch, or concentrates, represent a different type of polymer compound.
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Polymer Concrete Baseplates features ANSI B73.1 M dimensions, excellent corrosion resistance, vibration dampening superior to steel & iron, integrally molded catch basin and 316 stainless steel inserts.
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Polymer Concrete is a composite material in which the binder consists entirely of a synthetic organic polymer. When sand is used as filler, the composite is referred to as a polymer mortar. Other fillers include crushed stone, gravel, limestone, chalk, condensed silica fume, granite, quartz, clay, expanded glass and metallic fillers. It has good resistance to attack by chemicals and other corrosive agents and very low water sorption properties.
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Polymer Control System helps to reduce polymer costs, improve cake dryness and optimize the dewatering process. These system measures electrokinetic charge of a continuous sample. The feature includes patented sensor design, microprocessor technology, quick replacement probe & piston and self-diagnostic sensor.
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Polymer Dead End Insulators are designed with a fiberglass core that is covered with a polymer sheath that contains the weather sheds to increase creepage distance. The insulators are available for 15kV through 35kV voltage levels. Polymer dead-end insulators are used to support a single spacer cable as it terminates at a structure. The insulators are designed to interface with a wide variety of dead end termination methods from various suppliers.
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