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Smoke Barriers (2 suppliers)
Smoke Chambers (1 supplier)
Smoke Chrome Plating (1 supplier)
Smoke Containment (1 supplier)
Smoke Control Graphic Panel (1 supplier)
Smoke Control Windows (2 suppliers)
Smoke Curtains (5 suppliers)
Smoke Damage Cleaning & Restoration (2 suppliers)
Smoke Damage Cleanup (1 supplier)
Smoke Damage Emergency Services (1 supplier)
Smoke Damper Actuators (1 supplier)
Smoke Damper Pneumatic Actuators (1 supplier)
Smoke Damper Inspection Services (1 supplier)
Smoke Dampers (13 suppliers)
Smoke dampers are intended for installation in ducts and air transfer openings that are designed to resist the passage of air and smoke. The devices are installed to operate automatically, controlled by a smoke detection system, and where required, capable of being positioned from a remote command station. Smoke dampers may be required where ducts penetrate though smoke barriers, or at other locations within an engineered smoke control system. A smoke barrier is a continuous membrane, either vertical or horizontal, such as a wall, floor, or ceiling assembly, which is designed and constructed to restrict the movement of smoke. Smoke dampers can be used in HVAC systems where the fans are shut down in the event of fire, and can also be used in smoke control systems designed to operate during a fire incident. Smoke dampers are designed to operate against air velocity and fan pressure.
Smoke Denitrification Systems (1 supplier)
Smoke Detection Systems (22 suppliers)
Smoke Detection Systems (VSD) (5 suppliers)
Smoke Detector Camera (4 suppliers)
Smoke Detector Control Panel (1 supplier)
Smoke Detector Expanded Metal Guards (1 supplier)
Smoke Detector Functional Testing Spray (1 supplier)
Smoke Detector Perforated Metal Guards (1 supplier)
Smoke Detector Tester (2 suppliers)
Smoke Detector Testing Supplies (1 supplier)
Smoke Detectors (131 suppliers)
Smoke detectors have greatly improved residential life safety by quickly detecting and altering building occupants to the harmful effects of fire. Smoke and toxic gases are the leading killers. Smoke detectors are hard or permanently wired, battery operated, or a combination of hard wiring with a battery backup. Smoke detectors work primarily on two principles: ionization and photoelectric. Ionization detectors use a radioactive element that emits ions into the chamber. The positive and negative ions are measured on an electrically charged electrode. When smoke enters the chamber, the flow of ions to the electrode changes and an alarm is activated. Photoelectric detectors use two different methods to detect the smoke of a fire and can be spot or line detectors. The first is the light obscuration detector, which has a light beam aimed at a light sensor. When the smoke particles obscure or block the light beam, the light sensor notes the loss of light and activates the alarm. The light scattering detector operates by having a light beam aimed at the end of the chamber with a light sensor in an angled-off chamber.
Smoke Eaters (5 suppliers)
Smoke Eaters, Ceiling Flush Mount (1 supplier)
Smoke Eaters, Floor Placement (1 supplier)
Smoke Eaters, Hanging Ceiling Mount (2 suppliers)
Smoke Eaters, Table Top or Wall Mount (1 supplier)
Smoke Ejector Holder (2 suppliers)
Smoke Ejectors (4 suppliers)
Smoke Eliminator System (2 suppliers)
Smoke Eliminators (4 suppliers)
Smoke Escape Hood (4 suppliers)
Smoke Evacuation Dampers (1 supplier)
Smoke Evacuation Systems (3 suppliers)
Smoke Exhaust Filters (1 supplier)
Smoke Extraction Guns (2 suppliers)
Smoke Fluid Converters (1 supplier)
Smoke Gage Kits (2 suppliers)
Smoke Gaskets (1 supplier)
Smoke Generators (5 suppliers)
Smoke Hatch Skylights (4 suppliers)
Smoke House Cleaners (1 supplier)
Smoke Management System Design and Commissioning (1 supplier)
Smoke Opacity Testing (1 supplier)
Smoke Pipe Adapters (1 supplier)
Smoke Pipe Dampers (1 supplier)
Smoke Pipe Elbows (1 supplier)
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