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Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd. |
Address: P B # 29, Mumbai-Pune Rd., Kasarwadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411034, India
www.forbesmarshall.com/fm_micro/SWAS |
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Phone: +91-(20)-27149012/27145595
Forbes Marshall's provides solutions in Process Efficiency and Energy Conservation, using the best technology the world has to offer.
All our strategic business divisions, each one partnering
Power Plant |
purity of boiler feed water and steam |
Steam Turbine, Steam Boiler, Super Heater, Condenser and Other Steam Equipment
Two Rivers Technologies |
Address: 881 Tulip Poplar Drive, Hoover, Alabama 35224, USA
www.2riverstechnologies.com |
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Phone: +1-(205)-987-7729
Two Rivers Technologies develop and provide support for an industrial software package, TMS 5.0. TMS 5.0. is a complete mechanical integrity inspection data management & reporting system. This softwar
MIE Solutions |
Address: 12872 Valley View Street, Garden Grove, California 92845, USA
www.mie-solutions.com |
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Phone: +1-(714)-786 6230
MIE Solutions offers production control software for the entire manufacturing sector incorporating MRP, ERP, scheduling, shop floor data capture, barcoding, job costing, quoting, and estimating. Our p
Noran Engineering, Inc |
Address: 5555 Garden Grove Blvd. Ste. 300, Westminster, California 92683-1886, USA
www.nenastran.com |
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Phone: +1-(714)-899-1220 x 207
Noran Engineering, Inc provides engineering software for design, analysis and simulation. Our main product NEi Nastran is used to perform linear/nonlinear stress, dynamic and heat transfer analysis. I
Field Precision LLC |
Address: PO Box 13595, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87192, USA
fieldp.com |
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Phone: +1-(505)-220-3975
Field Precision LLC designs finite-element software for electromagnetics. Our unitized 2D and 3D packages offers a broad range of applications including electrostatics, magnet design, induction heatin
Eigen Technologies, Inc. |
Address: P. O. Box 2224, Davidson, North Carolina 28036, USA
www.dyrobes.com |
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Phone: +1-(704)-896-2693
Eigen Technologies, Inc. is a powerful and complete rotor dynamics and bearing analysis program based on finite element analysis. We produce DyRoBeS which is a pair of engineering design/analysis soft
Applied Science International, LLC |
Address: 2012 T.W. Alexander Drive/ P.O. Box 13887, Durham, North Carolina 27709, USA
www.appliedscienceint.com |
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Phone: +1-(919)-645-4900
Applied Science International, LLC specializes in the development of structural design and structural analysis software tools & services. Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) studies the 3D behav
Sixteen-Eleven, Inc. |
Address: 512 Webb Street, St. Marys, Ohio 45885, USA
www.16-11.com |
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Phone: +1-419-394-7817
Sixteen-Eleven, Inc. provide services like vibration analysis of rotating machinery, on-site dynamic balancing, predictive maintenance program and precision laser alignment. PdM involves periodic moni
Cascade Consulting Associates, Inc. |
Address: P.O.Box 1617, Corvallis, Oregon 97339, USA
www.strucalc.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-279-1353
Cascade Consulting Associates, Inc. offers a structural analysis software tool known as StruCalc. It aids in the analysis & design of beams, columns, and footings using wood, steel, and manufactured l
AMPS Technology Company |
Address: P.O. Box 38121, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238, USA
www.ampstech.com |
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Phone: +1-(412)-203-1306, (412)-963-1753
AMPS Technologies Company develops the Advanced Multi-Physics Simulation (AMPS) software to deliver an advanced simulation system with the most up-to-date FE technology and the best computer software
PipingSolutions, Inc. |
Address: 6219 Brittmoore Rd., Houston, Texas 77041-5114, USA
www.pipingsolutions.com |
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Phone: +1-(713)-849-3366
PipingSolutions develops, markets, and supports engineering software for the design of piping & equipment. We also provide consulting services to solve engineering design problems. Our Triflex® wi
Tern Technologies, Inc. |
Address: 200 West 34th Avenue, Suite 1017, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, USA
terntech.com |
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Phone: +1-(907)-522-2411
Tern Technologies, Inc. is a total alignment and vibration services company. We specialize in precision laser and optical measurement applied to rotating equipment. We maintain a huge inventory of opt
NetWARD Software Inc. |
Address: 3430 N. Mountain Ridge, Suite #21, Mesa, Arizona 85207, USA
www.safetyofficer.com |
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Phone: 480-985-4854
NetWard Software Inc. delivers medical and safety software products. We convert data associated with chemicals into effective safety information.
ICEM CFD Engineering |
Address: 2855 Telegraph Ave.#501, Berkeley, California 94705, USA
www-berkeley.ansys.com |
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Phone: 510-549-1890
ICEM CFD Engineering develops and markets software for pre and post-processing of engineering applications such as computational fluid dynamics and structural analysis. We provide sophisticated geomet
DynaTech Engineering, Inc. |
Address: 1830 Sierra Gardens Drive, Suite 30, Roseville, California 95661, USA
www.dynatechengr.com |
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Phone: +1-(916)-783-2400
DynaTech Engineering, Inc. is a consulting firm specializing in rotating machinery vibration. We serve industrial and aerospace organizations, including NASA and the air force. We emphasize a system l
SST Systems, Inc. |
Address: 1641, N. First Street, Suite 275, San Jose, California 95112-4817, USA
www.sstusa.com |
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Phone: (408)-452-8111
SST Systems, Inc. offers a line of software that covers piping stress, nozzle flexibility and fluid flow analyses. We provide solutions to piping design and analysis requirements for engineers in the
Concurrent Analysis Corporation |
Address: PO Box 8072, Van Nuys, California 91409-8072, USA
www.caefem.com |
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Phone: (818)-996-0053
Concurrent Analysis Corporation supports a comprehensive set of analyses including stresses, natural frequencies, buckling, harmonic and transient dynamic response, metal plasticity, contact, large de
Sterling Siesmic Services |
Address: 8122 Southpark Lane, Suite 207, Littleton, Colorado 80120, USA
www.sterlingseismic.com |
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Phone: +1-(303)-347-9011
Sterling Siesmic Services offers sound geophysical data processors with the latest software and massive computational power. We also offer Tsunami PSTN, which can image from a fixed datum or a floatin
Applied Flow Technology Corp. |
Address: 400 West Highway 24, Suite 201, Woodland Park, Colorado 80863, USA
www.aft.com |
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Phone: 719-686-1000, 800-589-4943
Applied Flow Technology, deal with premier piping & ducting systems analysis and modeling software. Our transient modeling capabilities include pump speed variation, valve open/closure, relief valves,
Aveva, Inc. |
Address: 800 Delaware Ave., Suite 610, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, USA
www.aveva.com |
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Phone: +1-(302)-427-8600, 888-322-3287
Aveva provides process plant engineering IT solutions and services. We offer both the tools and consulting services to enable its clients to maximize the efficiency of their engineering IT operations.
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