Profile: Gas Innovations is a wholesale provider of industrial gases and services. We supply flux-cored & solid welding wire, propylene, high purity hydrocarbons, propylene cutting, heating, brazing equipment, cylinder UT recertification, cylinder packs, diving gas packs, LP gas technical solutions, Worthington resale cylinders, tube trailers and ISO containers. We specialize in polymer grade propylene, propane, high purity hydrocarbons isobutane, butene 1 isobutylene, carbon monoxide, ethane, methane, pentane and many more gases. We provide complete UT testing for cylinder recertification, sell and service packs & diving gas racks, supply tube trailers, ISO containers and LPG tanks. We maintain a complete inventory of cutting heating and fuel gas regulators designed specifically for propylene. We provide new or can refurbish the old cylinder packs.