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Biohazard Sign Boards (3 suppliers)
BioHazardous Waste Safety Cans (1 supplier)
Biological Air Treaters (1 supplier)
Biological Filtration (5 suppliers)
Biological Indicator Gaskets (2 suppliers)
Biological Indicator Monitoring Starter (2 suppliers)
Biological Odor Control System (1 supplier)
Biological Product for Golf Course Maintenance (7 suppliers)
Biological Reactors (12 suppliers)
Biological reactors are nothing but waste treatment plants, which constitute of waste streams and its interaction with the microorganisms. Biological treatment processes are mainly classified as aerobic and anaerobic. At first, the solid substances are converted into liquids or gases in order to decrease their density. And then the solids are allowed to sediment by suspension. Now the chemicals are added to separate the dissolved substances. Finally the tertiary treatment methods are implemented. Each waste has a specific method by which it can be treated. The treated waste can be used again. However these processes have less effect on pesticides and insecticides.
Biological Reactors (11 suppliers)
Biological Reactors (15 suppliers)
Biological Remediation (14 suppliers)
Biological remediation can be defined as any process that uses microorganisms, fungi, green plants or their enzymes to return the environment altered by contaminants to its original condition. Bioremediation may be employed to attack specific soil contaminants, such as degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons by bacteria. An example of a more general approach is the cleanup of oil spills by the addition of nitrate and/or sulfate fertilizers to facilitate the decomposition of crude oil by indigenous or exogenous bacteria. There are a number of cost/efficiency advantages to bioremediation, which can be employed in areas that are inaccessible without excavation. For example, hydrocarbon spills (specifically, petrol spills) or certain chlorinated solvents may contaminate groundwater, and introducing the appropriate electron acceptor or electron donor amendment, as appropriate, may significantly reduce contaminant concentrations after a lag time allowing for acclimation. The process of bioremediation can be monitored indirectly by measuring the oxidation reduction potential or redox in soil and groundwater, together with pH, temperature, oxygen content, electron acceptor/donor concentrations, and concentration of breakdown products (e.g. carbon dioxide). This table shows the (decreasing) biological breakdown rate as function of the redox potential.
Biological Safety Cabinet (17 suppliers)
Biological Safety Cabinet Certification (3 suppliers)
Biological Scrubbers (2 suppliers)
Biological Sewage Treatment Plants (12 suppliers)
Biological Sewage Treatment Systems (8 suppliers)
Biological sewage treatment systems process a sewage effluent. It improves the quality of sewage wastewater before it is released back into drain fields and the environment. There are two types of bacteria used for biological sewage treatment systems and are contained in the sewage. One type is an anaerobic bacterium, which does not require oxygen for metabolism. The second type of bacteria is aerobic, which requires oxygen for their respiration and synthesis process. It is used with micro filtration. A biological sewage treatment system is used for conventional and in-ground pools.
Biological Simulation Services (1 supplier)
Biological Training Services (1 supplier)
Biological Treatment (6 suppliers)
Biological Treatment, Activated Sludge Process (9 suppliers)
Biological Treatment, Aeration Lagoons and Tertiary Membrane Treatment (0 suppliers)
Biological treatment is a destruction process relying on oxidative or reduction mechanisms. This process is used in wastewater treatment and in bioreclamation of contaminated sitres. It can be divided into two types, which includes aerobic biological treatment and anaerobic biological treatment. The aerobic biological treatment takes place in the presence of oxygen, while anaerobic biological treatment is an oxygen-devoid process. This treatment technology is applicable to wastewaters containing biodegradable organic constituents and nonmetallic inorganic constituents including sulfides and cyanides. There are four types of process, which includes activated sludge aerated lagoons trickling filter and rotating biological contactor. This process can be used on a broad class of biodegradable organic contaminants that includes refractiles that are not readily biodegradable.
Biological Treatment,Attached Growth Process (0 suppliers)
Biological Wash Water Recycle Systems (3 suppliers)
Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems (12 suppliers)
Biology Lab Equipment (10 suppliers)
Biomass Based Power Plants (21 suppliers)
Biomass Boiler Services (3 suppliers)
Biomass Boiler Systems (3 suppliers)
Biomass Boilers (5 suppliers)
Biomass Briquette (12 suppliers)
Biomass Briquette Press (5 suppliers)
Biomass Burners (1 supplier)
Biomass Cogeneration Plants (1 supplier)
Biomass Combustion Equipment Parts (2 suppliers)
Biomass Combustion Equipment Replacement Parts (1 supplier)
Biomass Combustion Equipment Services (2 suppliers)
Biomass Control Systems (2 suppliers)
Biomass Fired Boilers (15 suppliers)
Biomass Fired Combustion Systems (2 suppliers)
Biomass Fired Energy Systems (3 suppliers)
Biomass Fuel Testing Services (1 supplier)
Biomass Gasification (4 suppliers)
Biomass Grinding System (2 suppliers)
Biomass Heating (1 supplier)
Biomass Pelletizers (5 suppliers)
Biomass Processing Equipment (5 suppliers)
Biomass Systems (11 suppliers)
Biomass Systems are used for industrial process heating, space heating for offices, schools, hotels, institutions, biomass fired power plants, district heating, cooling, cogeneration and other applications. Biomass systems provide high comfort levels. Biomass systems provide clean, efficient & renewable heat, hot water and steam.
Biomethanation Plants (4 suppliers)
Biomethanation System (2 suppliers)
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